24 Years of Planting Change

Youth on the Board

TCE is one of the first large foundations nationally to designate board seats for young people.

The California Endowment envisions a world where young people of color are at the center of an intergenerational movement to create a healthy, just, and equitable California. We are making a genuine effort to integrate youth input and decision to ultimately shape our investments and culture.

The youth board members will be hands on in redefining wellness for young Californians and providing a youth perspective in advancing health equity and health justice campaigns while strengthening youth voice and leadership across communities, statewide and nationally.

flower graphics
  • 1st

    of large foundations in US to designate youth seats on its board

“As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. reminded us, the moral arc of the universe is long, and we are in the long game of social justice. We must combine urgency and patience to invest in civic engagement and organizing led by young people.”

DR. ROBERT K. ROSS President & CEO, The California Endowment

Browse Other Changes Planted by Dr. Ross

Building Healthy Communities $1B invested over 10 years

Health4All 38.6 million lives impacted

Youth Awards 37 total awards given

Schools Not Prisons & BMOC Millions reached since 2016

Farmworker Health $50M initiative

TCE Grant Making 2023 $381M awarded

Parks for All Hundreds of millions leveraged for parks investments in CA

Childhood Obesity & Freshworks $272M to expand access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income communities

CHIS 20,000 households interviewed annually to find health gaps in CA

Kids Health Coverage Campaign $4M to help enroll children in health programs

Cultural Competency/Health Workforce/PRIME $78.2M to CA organizations working to boost the size and diversity of the state's healthcare workforce

TCE Headquarters 125,000+ use our facilities every year

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Wishing Wall

Best wishes, Dr. Ross! I hope your days are filled with all the things that make you happy.

May you spend many days on the beach. Best Wishes, Winnie

Love you, Bob! Keep killing the game!

Mil gracias from planned parenthood! We love you!

May the force be with you in your new journey!
- Revolve Impact

Dr. Ross,
Well wishes on this next adventure! Enjoy this time!
- Stephanie Ghayouri

With deepest gratitude for all of your service, your love, & leadership. May you have abundant joy and connection and all good things.
- Sharon

You inspired me to keep endeavoring in education even when it's hard. Thank you.

Congratulations on a wonderful 24 years of impact! May God bless you and keep you!

Dear Bob,
Well done, good and faithful servant! Remember: you don’t get to retire from Saint Marks - ever.
- Carri

Rosetta Henderson Bloom again

Dr. Ross,
Wishing you all of the joy and relaxation you well deserve. Thank you for everything!
- Alyric Bell (UNITE-LA)

Congratulations on a long and impactful career! Best wishes for your next stage of life!
- Amy

Dr. Ross,
Wishing you a magical abundant retirement.
- Nikki

Dr. Ross -
I learned so much from you and loved working together on op-eds, etc… After a break, I think you have a book in you.

You are a big inspiration for this world! Thank you!

Dr. Ross,
Wishing you the best time ever spent.

Rest. Relax. Renew. Have fun…
- Kisha Grove

I wish you all the best. Hopefully I will see you around the bowl more!
- Virginia Mosqueda

Thank you for all your support for the ACA, #Health4All, and everything else.

Unveiling Our
2024 Annual

The California Endowment is proud to present our 2024 annual report. Read about the work we are supporting and our partners who are changing California to a state of belonging and inclusion.

View Report