24 Years of Planting Change

Farmworker Health

A five-year investment that elevated the matter of farmworker health across the state – and in a binational partner frame with Mexico.

$50 million was granted to partner organizations to create an agricultural worker health program to provide better health education, more health coverage, and better access to health-care services for agricultural workers and their families.

The California Endowment also funded the California-Mexico Health Initiative, a synergistic endeavor engaging federal and state policymakers, philanthropic entities, community organizations, and academia to confront the healthcare challenges encountered by Mexican migrants in California.

flower graphics
  • 5

    Year Investment
  • $50M

    Granted for Agricultural Worker Health Programs

“We must endeavor to be an even better partner – which to me means being a bolder partner, but also a more humble one at the same time.”

DR. ROBERT K. ROSS President & CEO, The California Endowment

Browse Other Changes Planted by Dr. Ross

Building Healthy Communities $1B invested over 10 years

Health4All 38.6 million lives impacted

Youth Awards 37 total awards given

Schools Not Prisons & BMOC Millions reached since 2016

TCE Grant Making 2023 $381M awarded

Parks for All Hundreds of millions leveraged for parks investments in CA

Youth on the Board 1st of large foundations in US to have youth on the board

Childhood Obesity & Freshworks $272M to expand access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income communities

CHIS 20,000 households interviewed annually to find health gaps in CA

Kids Health Coverage Campaign $4M to help enroll children in health programs

Cultural Competency/Health Workforce/PRIME $78.2M to CA organizations working to boost the size and diversity of the state's healthcare workforce

TCE Headquarters 125,000+ use our facilities every year

View All

Wishing Wall

Thank you for believing in us and the opportunities your faith in us have afforded so many. We wish tenfold those blessings on you.
- Alf LaMont

Dr. Ross,
The seeds you planted will bloom for generations to come!

Fortunate to have such a powerful voice & thought leader at TCE.
- Sherry

Dr. Ross,
Well wishes on this next adventure! Enjoy this time!
- Stephanie Ghayouri

Dang Bob! You really leaving? You really reading all this good stuff?! Ok man! Among so many of the things I already said, you baaaad, Dude. Much love!

You inspired me to keep endeavoring in education even when it's hard. Thank you.

Dear Bob,
Well done, good and faithful servant! Remember: you don’t get to retire from Saint Marks - ever.
- Carri

Thanks for 24 years of service to TCE and all Californians! Enjoy your new adventures!

Thank you for all of the years of big ideas and humble connection.

Best wishes for the next act!
- Joel

Thank you for doing the true work of a doctor… HEALING! I heard you speak early in my career and was very inspired. Thank you!
- Leslie Johnson (Community Coalition)

Best wishes to you and your family.
Mykol Lewis
Brotherhood Crusade

Dr. Ross -
I want to thank and appreciate you for being an advocate for our most underserved communities and our boys of color. It is with deep gratitude that I can say that your investments have given me a career and supported my healing journey.
- Omar Torres

Job well done! Now it’s time to take some ‘bob’ time. We love and appreciate you!
- Arnold & Karen Perkins

May your love, kindness and humor grow in retirement.
Love you,
- Steve & Victoria

Happiest wishes for a joyous and peaceful retirement after an amazing and productive career! Come back to visit TCE!
- Diana Yang

Rest. Relax. Renew. Have fun…
- Kisha Grove

Best wishes!

A tu salud! Con cariño y respeto.

Dear Dr. Ross,
Wishing you joy, peace, and more free time than you know what to do with. I love you!
- Marc P.

Unveiling Our
2024 Annual

The California Endowment is proud to present our 2024 annual report. Read about the work we are supporting and our partners who are changing California to a state of belonging and inclusion.

View Report