24 Years of Planting Change

Cultural Competency / Health Workforce / PRIME

TCE leads philanthropic efforts to diversify the health workforce and advocate for language access improvements in the health system.

The system’s healthcare workforce is highly unrepresentative of the state’s population, its financing is misaligned- incentivizing volume over value or health outcomes – and a strong power imbalance exists between physicians and patients and communities.

The California Endowment has undertaken several initiatives to fix this misalignment and imbalance.

The 21st Century Pathways to Health Careers initiative allocated grants to support statewide and local programs that create career paths in healthcare for youth in grades 7-16.

The initiative is organized around three strategic goals and outcomes: increased career opportunities in healthcare for young Californians, especially boys and young men of color; a health workforce populated by local residents in frontline jobs supporting primary care, community-based prevention, patient-centered medical homes, and integrated and coordinated care models; and a larger and more skilled healthcare workforce able to provide high-quality, culturally responsive, and linguistically competent primary care and community health services in places of greatest need.

We also focused on supporting high-quality workforce development programs that enabled healthcare workers to improve their skills and prepare for high demand occupations in the public healthcare sector while training community health workers and medical assistants, enabling them to be better integrated into the state’s health services system.

flower graphics
  • $78.2M

    to CA organizations working to boost the size and diversity of the state's healthcare workforce

“Whether the culprit is COVID-19, or Influenza, or Tuberculosis, or Smallpox – the public’s health is best protected when ALL are welcome and covered in the system.”

DR. ROBERT K. ROSS President & CEO, The California Endowment

Browse Other Changes Planted by Dr. Ross

Building Healthy Communities $1B invested over 10 years

Health4All 38.6 million lives impacted

Youth Awards 37 total awards given

Schools Not Prisons & BMOC Millions reached since 2016

Farmworker Health $50M initiative

TCE Grant Making 2023 $381M awarded

Parks for All Hundreds of millions leveraged for parks investments in CA

Youth on the Board 1st of large foundations in US to have youth on the board

Childhood Obesity & Freshworks $272M to expand access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income communities

CHIS 20,000 households interviewed annually to find health gaps in CA

Kids Health Coverage Campaign $4M to help enroll children in health programs

TCE Headquarters 125,000+ use our facilities every year

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Wishing Wall

Dr. Ross,
Thank you for being unwavering and clear about TCE’s purpose. Thank you for always listening and learning and dreaming about what could be.
Forever grateful,
- Mia Bolton

Dr. Ross,
You are an amazing person/soul! Wish you the best retirement!

Mil gracias from planned parenthood! We love you!

Wishing you good health and lots of laughter!

Dr. Ross! You are a blessing and have changed the world we live in. Thank you.
- H.S.F.

Wishing you the best and a well deserved rest to enjoy the simple things in life.
- Bob Alvarez (Balance PR)

Congratulations on a wonderful 24 years of impact! May God bless you and keep you!

Dr. Ross -
Thank you for all you’ve done for the community and have an amazing retirement!

Dr. Ross -
Wishing you abundance in this next chapter! Thank you for your infinite sacrifices for justice.
- Sonya Diaz

Happy times and thanks for all you have done for me.

Dear Dr. Ross,
We wish you the best in retirement although we know you will stay busy take time to enjoy family.
- From the Avilas

Job well done! Now it’s time to take some ‘bob’ time. We love and appreciate you!
- Arnold & Karen Perkins

Wishing you a happy and blessed retirement.
- David & Pei

Dear Bob,
I have learned and grown so much during my time at TCE and with you. Thank you for everything.
- Karthik

Wishing you all the love you can handle…. And wonderful memories of years at TCE!
- Elwood

Dr. Ross,
Wishing you the best time ever spent.

Rest. Relax. Renew. Have fun…
- Kisha Grove

Hey Bob!
Best wishes for what’s next! Love you!

Dearest Dr. Ross,
May you be happy in the next phase of your life.
- Susan

A tu salud! Con cariño y respeto.

Unveiling Our
2024 Annual

The California Endowment is proud to present our 2024 annual report. Read about the work we are supporting and our partners who are changing California to a state of belonging and inclusion.

View Report