Sergio's journey as a community organizer for street vendors is deeply rooted in his personal history and experiences as an immigrant. Arriving in the U.S. at seven years old from Mexico, he was comforted by the presence of street vendors in his new community, which reminded him of home and offered a sense of familiarity amidst the challenges of migration.
Sergio has been organizing for street vendors since 2019, motivated by the significant role they play in his community, including preserving Latin American culture and providing a vital source of income and stability for many immigrants. His work has focused on legalizing and decriminalizing street vending as well as combating negative stereotypes that halt social progress in Los Angeles and throughout California. Sergio notes that street vendors have a powerful and positive impact on their communities by contributing to vibrant, safe spaces where people can gather, even transforming neglected neighborhoods into thriving community hubs that foster belonging, social connection, and economic opportunity.

While many street vendors cannot vote due to their undocumented status, Sergio continues to emphasize the importance of civic engagement and advocacy. Through organized efforts, street vendors can influence policies and push for changes that benefit their communities. For Sergio, the ability of undocumented individuals to organize and advocate effectively is a powerful tool for creating change and a crucial part of our democracy.
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