24 Years of Planting Change

Kids Health Coverage Campaign

Our first step into how local and regional advocacy efforts can fuel a statewide policy effort, and it did.

TCE helped fund the outreach efforts for Healthy Kids throughout the state of California, which focused on enrolling uninsured children from birth through age five in families with incomes below 300 percent of the federal poverty level in health coverage.

A coalition of organizations, supported by the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services and TCE, engaged in outreach efforts targeting families with uninsured children to offer support in navigating the application process for various health programs, such as Healthy Kids, Medi-Cal, and Healthy Families.

flower graphics
  • $4M

    in grants to Healthy Kids programs throughout the state

“It is a travesty that thousands of eligible children lack healthcare coverage because barriers in our healthcare system prevent them from enrolling in public health insurance programs.”

DR. ROBERT K. ROSS President & CEO, The California Endowment

Browse Other Changes Planted by Dr. Ross

Building Healthy Communities $1B invested over 10 years

Health4All 38.6 million lives impacted

Youth Awards 37 total awards given

Schools Not Prisons & BMOC Millions reached since 2016

Farmworker Health $50M initiative

TCE Grant Making 2023 $381M awarded

Parks for All Hundreds of millions leveraged for parks investments in CA

Youth on the Board 1st of large foundations in US to have youth on the board

Childhood Obesity & Freshworks $272M to expand access to fresh and healthy foods in low-income communities

CHIS 20,000 households interviewed annually to find health gaps in CA

Cultural Competency/Health Workforce/PRIME $78.2M to CA organizations working to boost the size and diversity of the state's healthcare workforce

TCE Headquarters 125,000+ use our facilities every year

View All

Wishing Wall

Dr. Ross,
You are an amazing person/soul! Wish you the best retirement!

May you spend many days on the beach. Best Wishes, Winnie

Love you, Bob! Keep killing the game!

On behalf of Music Changing Lives, we want to extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication. Your commitment to nurturing and inspiring young minds through philanthropy is truly transformative. May you continue to touch lives & bring harmony to our communities. We are blessed to have you as a part of our journey.
- Josiah (Music Changing Lives)

May the force be with you in your new journey!
- Revolve Impact

All the blessings in the world for your much deserved retirement. Thank you for your commitment to equity.
- Pico California

Wishing you the best and a well deserved rest to enjoy the simple things in life.
- Bob Alvarez (Balance PR)

All the best to the world’s greatest boss & mentor. Thank you for your leadership, advice, and support these last 16 years!
- Dan DeLeon

Dr. Ross,
Deep gratitude for your leadership and commitment to equity and justice.

Dr. Ross -
Wishing you abundance in this next chapter! Thank you for your infinite sacrifices for justice.
- Sonya Diaz

Dr. Ross!
You are fantastic!

Your words at the Liberty Hill dinner always stuck with me and I continue to share the message today.
Thank you,
- Darryl

Thank you for all the good trouble you made and extending a hand to join you.
With love,
- Hanh Cao Yu

Bob -
We’ll miss you so much. You’ve been a force of nature and a force of beauty.
Love you,
- Jim Mangia

You are a big inspiration for this world! Thank you!

We are forever grateful for your tireless work to make CA a beloved community for all! Si se puede!
With deep appreciation,
- Mayra Alvarez & The Children’s Partnership team

Thanks for everything!!! Best of luck!

Hey Bob!
Best wishes for what’s next! Love you!

A tu salud! Con cariño y respeto.

RKR - sooooo wonderful to gather this evening to celebrate you! The honor and privilege of knowing you is more than I can describe. Hoping we will be sure to connect as you go.

Unveiling Our
2024 Annual

The California Endowment is proud to present our 2024 annual report. Read about the work we are supporting and our partners who are changing California to a state of belonging and inclusion.

View Report